"The transition to college can be tough for young adults and even the emerging professional entering their next phase. However having a thorough portfolio which explains who you are, your strengths, and aspirations can make the task much easier. College portfolios can provide an authentic assessment of student learning and promote a deeper understanding of your desires."
Building a college portfolio is a way in which you collect, organize, and display your academic, extracurricular and job-related experiences, interest, and personal information. It is helpful for potential college students and beginning professionals to begin thinking about post-secondary (after high school graduation) options. This compilation articulates to employers, colleges, and yourself a reflection of who you are, your accomplishments, and aspirations.
STEP 1: BECOME SELF-AWARE - This step includes taking a deep look into who you are and what you want for your life. Explore your social emotional well-being, personal interest, character traits, and access to role models and real world experiential learning opportunities.
STEP 2: FIND YOUR COLLEGE MATCH - This step includes thinking about why you want to go to college, what you intend on majoring in, academic history, test scores, long distance versus short distance, institutional college graduation rates, college acceptance rates, personal strengths and interest, long term goals, ect.,.
STEP 3: ESTABLISH FINANCIAL PLAN - This step includes thinking about family and individual financial contributions, financial aid, scholarships, grants, and possibly loans.
STEP 4: IDENTIFY SUPPORT NETWORKS - This step includes identifying those important people who will support you throughout your college endeavor and or resources that will assist you in persisting through college.
STEP 5: COLLECT PROFESSIONAL DOCUMENTS - This step includes thinking about who will complete letters of recommendation for you, collecting transcripts, preparing a resume and cover letter, writing your personal goal statement, and documenting certifications and trainings you've completed.